Many start-up founders and families in business are often at a loss as to how their corporate boards can truly add value to their businesses. This three-hour corporate governance program provides both a comprehensive and practical roadmap as to how such firms can transform boards on paper to working boards that perform. Internationally-benchmarked but fully adapted to the local context, participants will be loaded with practical take-aways as they address the following key themes:
One of the most senior Fellows and an incumbent trustee of the Institute of Corporate Directors, Atty. Kalaw is primarily responsible for creating and developing ICD’s Governance Framework for Family-Owned or Controlled Corporations and has counseled and taught such both locally and internationally, with the latter aspect particularly as a consultant to the World Bank's International Finance Corporation.
He is the only Filipino triple-certified (1) as both a sustainability trainer by the Global Reporting Initiative and a sustainability reporting specialist by the Institute of Certified Sustainability Practitioners; (2) in the Balanced Scorecard strategy management process by the Palladium, the firm of Professors Kaplan & Norton (the Harvard Business School faculty who conceptualized this leading performance methodology); and (3) as certified Compliance & Ethics Professional - International by the Society of Corporate Compliance & Ethics.
He presently serves as an independent board director of the shipping and logistics firm Gothong Southern. Atty. Kalaw’s 5 graduate degrees include a Master of Laws from Harvard Law School, a Master of Business Administration from the Kellogg School of Management and the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, and a Master of Studies in Sustainability Leadership from the University of Cambridge.
Start-up founders creating or building their first working boards
Families in business seeking to transform their paper boards to working boards
Working boards seeking to go back to the basics and review international benchmarks for board effectiveness
A. The Map is NOT the Territory!
B. Key Roles / Core Practices: WHAT Effective Boards Really Focus On
C. Collaborative Leadership: HOW Boards are Effective
D. Take-Aways to Apply TODAY
E. Question-and-Answer Segment
Contact Person: Kyra Gayle Villanueva
Mobile Number (+63 968) 851-2347
Telefax: (+632) 8842-7148 or 59
Email: kyra.cgbp@yahoo.com