Property Developers' Guide to the Building Code IRR of the Philippines

Training investment is inclusive of Meals, Resource Kit & Certificate of Completion

P 16,880.00 / person - when you register and pay on or before April 21

P 18,880.00 / person - Regular Rate

TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY, MAY 21 & 22, 2024 * 9:00AM TO 5:00PM

This two-day special training is to provide a clear guide on the 2005 Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of the Building Code of the Philippines to solve the issue of its different interpretations that causes confusion and disputes among different parties and stakeholders.

It also aims to empower the private sector, including property owners and administrators, developers, contractors, and technical professionals, in their government dealings and transactions especially with bureaucratic, errant or corrupt building officials to address issues concerning delays in getting approval for clearances, permits, and inspection of ongoing and finished construction projects, among others.

The lecture will align the different referral codes: Architectural, Structural, Plumbing, Sanitation, Electrical, Electronics, Mechanical and Interior design codes of the Philippines to the Building Code and its IRR. It will also include updates on the latest government issuances, memorandums, and decided cases on conflicts affecting building construction and maintenance as well as remedies to stoppage orders.

This program is also highly recommended to all lawyers, judges, and public officials involved in the planning, review, inspection, approval and adjudication of different types of construction projects.


Engr. Agustin S. Torres

He was part of the oversight committee on the crafting and implementation of the revised IRR of the Building Code of the Philippines.   He presently serves as a consultant at the DPWH National Building Code Development Office and the LGU of Quezon City.  He is also a technical expert on adjudication cases involving construction-related lawsuits.  He has over 40 years of experience in the construction industry and is a consultant of many local and international firms especially in solving their most challenging issues in dealing with the government.  He was formerly the Head of the Structural / Signs section of the LGU of Quezon City.  He finished his Bachelor of Civil and Sanitary Engineering degree at Mapua Institute of Technology and earned his post-graduate degrees in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of the Philippines, and Public Management from the Ateneo School of Government.

Who Should Attend?

    Property Owners

    Property Administrators

    Developers & Contractors

    Architects & Designers


    Lawyers & Judges


    All public officials and other technical professionals involved in the construction and maintenance of properties

Part 1
of this presentation provides an overview and understanding of the National Building Code of the Philippines such as Republic Act 6541 and the Presidential Decree 1096 with the New IRR (Revised 2005) and how it relates to the different referral and model codes:

1. Architectural Code of the Philippines

2. Structural Code of the Philippines
3. Plumbing Code of the Philippines
4. Sanitation Code of the Philippines
5. Philippine Electrical Code
6. Mechanical Code of the Philippines
7. Electronic Code of the Philippines
8. Interior Design Code of the Philippines

Part 2 of this Presentation provides the reference Standards mentioned and/ or required by the building Code (PD 1096) as guidelines, model method and procedures as well as additional input to supplement implementation of the Code.

1. Uniform Building Code / 1997, Vol 1, 2, 3 & Compliance

2. Water Code of the Philippines
3. PD 1185 (Fire Code of the Philippines/ RA 9514)
4. BP 220 (Pre-Fabricated Constructions)
    - How To Beat the Requirement of DPWH Certifications
5. BP 344 (Accessibility Law and its application on different types of buildings)
6. Manual for Steel Construction Based on International Standards (ASEP)
7. Structural Code of Practice
8. OSHA / Regulation on Construction Industry
9. LGU Barangay/ Buildings Occupancies & Drainage
10. Conversions/ English to Metric to SI
11. Zoning & Land Use
12. Sanitation Code of the Philippines
13. AISC / Steel Handbook of the American Institute of Steel Construction
14. PEZA and Special Zones Regulations
15. Material Testing, Tools and Equipment

Part 3 of this presentation pertains to the implementation of the Code to make stakeholders becomes knowledgeable and well-versed of the provisions of the Code both the basic as well as IRR, issuances, and memorandums affecting building construction (e.g. green building, accessibility law, instrumentation and safety requirement of building and additional rules)

1. Administration and Enforcement on Professional Code

2. Building Code Requirement, Applications and Processing of Permits (eg. Procedural steps) for Constructions to include ancillary and accessory permits as the basis of the obligation of the practicing technical professionals, contractors and property administrators. These includes discussions on streamlining of procedures to satisfy ease of doing business in the Philippines.
    - Various Clearances and Regulations for Development Projects
    - Classification of Occupancy
    - Structural Requirements for Permits
    - Applications and Processing of Building Permit
    - Certificate of Occupancy
    - Maintenance of Building
3. Types of Construction Following Fire Code of the Philippines
4. Light and Ventilation, Road Right of Way and HLURB and Zoning Provisions
5. Plumbing Installations
6. Administrative Sanctions and Procedures
    - How to Deal with Violations of Building Code

    - Investigation and Due Process
    - Appeals to Proper Authorities
    - Remedies
7. BP 344 in Buildings / Facilities for Disabled and Senior Citizens
8. Fees, Charges, Surcharges, Penalties and Fines
9. Sign and Sign Structures

10. First Line Management/ Citizen Charters
11. How to Prepare Your Building for Annual Inspections of Building Officials

      - Addressing arbitrary and additional requirements of Building Officials
      - Rights and Remedies of Building and Property Owners, Developers, Contractors and Technical Professionals
12. Dwelling Requirements and BP 220 (Economic & Socialized)

Part 4 provides strategies to resolve common problems of Property Owners, Developers, Contractors and Professional practitioners involved in development of projects (eg. Solving zoning restrictions, How to deal with stoppage of constructions).

Part 5:  Special Topics
1. The easy way of applying for building permit without difficulty on compliance

2. Effect of building ordinances
3. Understanding the limitation of the powers of building officials

Part 6:  Updates on Actual Cases and Successful Arbitration Proceedings

Those from government are exempted from the P2,000.00 per day limit set by COA for attending training provided by the private sector based on Department of Budget and Management Circular No. 563 dated April 22, 2016.

Attending this training is not covered by Philippine Procurement Law or RA 9184 based on its Revised IRR’s Section 4.5-b. which classifies training continuing education, conferences and similar activities as "non-procurement activities that shall be governed by applicable COA, CSC, and DBM rules".
Center for Global Best Practices (CGBP) is accredited by the following institutions
Contact Details
For clarification or request for an invitation letter, you may reach out to:

Contact Person: Camille Joyce Jonas
Mobile Number (+63 939) 914-8689
Telefax: (+632) 8842-7148 or 59
Email: camille.cgbp@yahoo.com

Account Name: Center for Global Best Practices Foundation, Inc.

Metrobank: 495-3-495-504-418
Unionbank: 0013-3002-7702
PNB: 1477-7000-0961
Landbank: 3832-1015-82


Unit 905 Richville Corporate Tower
1107 Alabang-Zapote Road
Madrigal Business Park
Muntinlupa City 1780, Philippines

Contact Us

(+63 2) 8556-8968 (+63 2) 8556-8969 (+63 2) 8842-7148 (+63 2) 8425-9752 (+63 2) 8842-7159 cgbp.info@gmail.com

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