Condominium Law of the Philippines

Training investment is inclusive of an e-certificate and a printed learning material

P 4,880.00 / person - when you register and pay on or before June 17

P 5,880.00 / person - Regular Rate

Add 450 for a printed copy of a certificate of attendance inclusive of delivery charge.

WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, JULY 17 & 18, 2024 * 1:30PM TO 4:45PM VIA ZOOM

Gain the right knowledge needed to navigate the intricacies of owning, managing, or dealing with condominium properties in the Philippines.

Attend this two-session webinar and have a solid understanding of condominiums as a property regime in the Philippines. Explore the governing laws and key provisions that regulate condominiums. Delve into the responsibilities of the condominium corporation, its composition, and the lifespan of its existence. Get clarity on topics such as ownership transfer, foreign ownership, leasing, and dissolution of condominiums. Stay up-to-date with recent amendments to the Condominium Act, revised regulations, and Supreme Court decisions!

Enroll and equip yourself with the valuable information you will need to resolve condominium-related issues, handle potential legal disputes and in dealing with adjudication bodies such as the Human Settlements Adjudication Commission (HSAC), Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), or Regional Trial Court (RTC).


Atty. Cesar Manuel

He was the Director for Legal Services Group at the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB).  This was a position he held for 23 years out of 39 years of public service in this organization.  He wrote thousands of decisions on real property development, housing, and land use issues under the jurisdiction of HLURB.

He is an authority on legal related matters pertaining to housing development, management, and administration.  He finished his Bachelor of Laws degree from University of the East and was admitted to the Philippine Bar in 1978. He also holds a Master’s degree in National Security Administration (M.N.S.A.) from National Defense College of the Philippines.

Currently, he serves as a Consultant for the City Planning and Development Office, Office of the Mayor in Quezon City.

Who Should Attend?

    Condominium Owners and Association Officers

    Real Estate Developers

    Property Administrators and Managers

    Real Estate Agents and Brokers


    Investors and financial institutions involved in real estate sector

    Government officials and regulatory personnel in charge of condominium oversight

    Contractors and service providers

    Anyone interested in the topic


        - Where does the word condominium originate?
        - Who invented this way of living?
        - When did this system of property ownership formally introduce in the Philippines?
        - What is the earliest, if not the first, condominium in the Philippines?


        - What is the governing law on condominium in the Philippines?
        - When did the Philippines formally recognize condominium as property regime?

        - When did this law take effect?
        - What is condominium as defined in the law?
        - What are the basic components of condominium in the Philippines?
        - What is meant by interest in the condominium?
        - What is a unit?
        - What are the other independent portions of the condominium?
        - What are common areas?
        - Can common areas be sold?
        - What is the instrument that is considered the heart of the condominium?
        - What is a Master Deed with declaration of restrictions.
        - What are the components of Master Deed?
        - Who files this instrument?
        - Which government agency approves the Master Deed?
        - When does Master Deed file?
        - Can the Master Deed be amended? How?
        - Can the Master Deed be revoked? How?
        - Who manages the condominium?
        - What is a condominium corporation?
        - What is the composition of the condominium corporation?
        - What is the lifespan of the condominium corporation?
        - Can a unit owner refuse to be a member of the condominium corporation?
        - Can a unit owner transfer his membership in the condominium corporation to a third party
           but retain his ownership on the unit?

        - How is a unit’s owner share on the undivided interests on common areas of the
          condominium determined?

        - May a foreign national own a condominium unit in the Philippines?
        - Can a condominium be constructed in a leased property?
        - Can an existing condominium be integrated with or expanded with another condominium?
        - How can a condominium corporation be dissolved?
        - What happen to the undivided interests of the unit owners if the condominium corporation is dissolved?
        - Can a condominium project be extinguished?
        - Compare condominium as property ownership with:
          a. Subdivision house and lot ownership
          b. Apartment lease hold system
          c. Property co-ownership
          d. Usufruct

      - Where to apply for the development and registration of the project
      - Where to secure the needed license or authority


  • Nature of complaint/s to be filed
    a. Complaint of condominium unit buyer/ owner vs. project owner-developer, broker, dealer or salesman-
        1. Refund of payment
        2. Delivery of Condominium Certificate of Title (CCT)
        3. Specific performance, viz. defective unit, incomplete development, provision of basic facilities, etc.
        4. Unsound real estate business practice
        5. Other cases involving condominium projects falling under Section 16, Chapter IV, of RA 11201,
            otherwise known as Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development Act
     b. Complaint of condominium owner as member of condominium corporation vs. co-member,
         condominium corporation, or officer/ member of the board of director-

         1. Intra corporate disputes and other cases enumerated under Section 5 of PD No. 902-A, excepting
             homeowners’ association’s cases under Section 16 of RA 11201


  • Where to file or lodge complaint
    a. Human Settlements Adjudication Commission (HSAC) formerly Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB), or
    b. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), or
    c. Regional Trial Court (RTC) of general jurisdiction

    c. Current Amendments to the Condominium Act
    d. Landmark case, and Update on Supreme Court Leading and Related Cases

Those from the government are exempted from the P2,800.00 per day limit set by COA for attending training provided by the private sector based on the NEW Department of Budget and Management Circular No. 596 dated January 20, 2025.

Attending this training is not covered by the newly-enacted Procurement Law (R.A. 12009) based on its IRR’s Section 4.4-b, which classifies training continuing education, conferences and similar activities as "non-procurement activities that shall be governed by applicable COA, CSC, and DBM rules".
Center for Global Best Practices (CGBP) is accredited by the following institutions
Contact Details
For clarification or request for an invitation letter, you may reach out to:

Contact Person: Kyra Gayle Villanueva
Mobile Number (+63 968) 851-2347
Telefax: (+632) 8842-7148 or 59
Email: kyra.cgbp@yahoo.com

Account Name: Center for Global Best Practices Foundation, Inc.

Metrobank: 495-3-495-504-418
Unionbank: 0013-3002-7702
PNB: 1477-7000-0961
Landbank: 3832-1015-82


Unit 905 Richville Corporate Tower
1107 Alabang-Zapote Road
Madrigal Business Park
Muntinlupa City 1780, Philippines

Contact Us

(+63 2) 8556-8968 (+63 2) 8556-8969 (+63 2) 8842-7148 (+63 2) 8425-9752 (+63 2) 8842-7159 cgbp.info@gmail.com

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