Inviting all medium and large taxpayers to this one-day training to help those among you who are having difficulty setting up, getting accreditation, and running a successful computerized accounting system (CAS) in compliance with the BIR regulation 2009-9.

With the BIR's anticipated release of the fresh list of medium-sized firms soon to be reclassified as large taxpayers this third quarter of the year, this becomes especially relevant to both medium and large taxpayers.

Given the BIR's formation of a special task force CSET to monitor medium to large taxpayers, one can expect stricter enforcement from the tax authorities. Attending this will help you hurdle and solve your CAS headaches, issues and most importantly, prevent those dreaded BIR penalties!

For immediate feedback, feel free to contact us in the numbers indicated below

Contact Details

(+63 2) 8556-8968/69 (+63 2) 8842-7148 (+63 2) 8425-9752 (+63 2) 8842-7159

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