The term “corporate housekeeping” refers to the multitude of services that a lawyer and a corporate secretary need to perform for a corporate entity. It is what every corporation needs to do and to know to function well.

This special program teaches board directors and lawyers the knowledge and professional skills on how to be an effective corporate secretary and how to perform the functions of corporate housekeeping.

Whether you are a lawyer servicing a corporate client, a professional or a family member assigned to the board as a corporate secretary, or the board director and owner of a corporation, you must know how corporate housekeeping should be executed properly. This one-of-a-kind program is exclusively for those who want to professionalize their role as a board director, corporate secretary, and law firm servicing a corporation.

This training is accredited by the Securities and Exchange Commission as a corporate governance topic.

For immediate feedback, feel free to contact us in the numbers indicated below

Contact Details

(+63 2) 8556-8968/69 (+63 2) 8842-7148 (+63 2) 8425-9752 (+63 2) 8842-7159

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