If you truly want to be an effective board member, presiding officer of the board, or leader of your organization, you better have mastery of parliamentary procedures. Learning this body of knowledge will enable you to skillfully participate in, lead and even control the deliberations and outcome of all types of meetings including those of committees, boards, stockholders, family and business councils, chamber of commerce, union deliberations, homeowners, parent-teachers’ associations, and others.
This two-session comprehensive webinar will cover important topics such as how to conduct Meetings and Sessions, Quorum, Order of Business, Debates, Voting, Committees and their Reports, Rules of Order and Standing Rules, the different kinds of Motions, and Resolutions.
When you attend this program, you will gain considerable ability in this field that will provide you a rare advantage and distinct superiority in any and all meetings. This program is aligned with SEC’s corporate governance regulations in the conduct of meetings.
He is the Senate Director — Chief Counsellor on Senate Parliamentary Law and is the authority that provides expert guidance on all parliamentary matters in the Senate. He lectures and coaches senators, chief executives, chairmen and board members, leaders in both government and the private sectors on the conduct of meetings, sessions, deliberations.
He graduated Magna Cum Laude with the most prestigious higher law doctorate known as the Doctor of Civil Law (DCL) at the University of Santo Tomas, Master’s of Public Administration (MPA) at the University of the Philippines (Diliman) and Masters of Laws (LLM) at the University City of Manila, Philippines.
- Executive Committee Members
- Board Members & Chairpersons
Civic Organizations
- Executive Committee Members
- Board Members & Chairpersons
Non-profit Organizations
- Executive Committee Members
- Board Members & Chairpersons
School Boards & Unions
Everyone who is interested to learn about this topic
I. The Board of Directors
- A Deliberative Assembly
- Rules of Order of the Body
II. Meetings and Sessions
- Meeting Defined
- Distinguished from Session
III. The Most Powerful Tool to Control Meetings
IV. The Conduct of Board Meetings
- Protocol of the Flag and Seating Arrangements
- Order of Business: How to Call a Meeting to Order
- Invocation and Roll Call
- Quorum
- Meaning and Importance of Quorum
- What Constitutes a Quorum
- Meeting Agenda: Reading and Disposition of Minutes
- The means by which Business introduced before the Body
- How a Motion is brought before the Body
- The Basic Steps in the Consideration of a Main Motion
- How a Motion is Adopted by the Body
- How Action is done without a Motion
- The Principle of Unanimous Consent
- The relation of Other Motions to the Main Motion
V. Summary of What Motions to Use
To modify the Question
To Defer the Action on the Question
To Suppress the Question
To Restrict Discussions
To Consider a Question Again
VI. Nature and Classification of Motions
A. Main Motions
- How to Frame Main Motions
- Treatment of Main Motions
- Motion to Adopt and Motion to Ratify
B. Subsidiary Motions
- Motion to Postpone Indefinitely
- Motion to Amend
- Motion to Commit or Refer
- Motion to Postpone to a Certain Time (or Definitely)
- Motion to Limit or Extend Limits of Debate
- Motion to Lay on the Table
C. Privileged Motions
- Call for the Orders of the Day
- How to Raise a Question of Privilege
- Recess
- Motion to Adjourn
- Motion to Fix the Time to Which to Adjourn
D. Incidental Motions
VII. Motions That Bring a Question Again Before the Assembly
- Motion to Take from the Table
- Motion to Rescind; Amend Something Previously Adopted
- Motion to Discharge a Committee
- Motion to Reconsider
VIII. Meetings and Session
- Meeting, Session, Recess, Adjournment
- Regular Meetings
- Special Meetings
- Minutes of Meetings
IX. Committees and Committee Reports
- Nature and Importance of Committees
- Classification of Committees
- Board of Management
- Ordinary Committees
- Creation and Composition
- Procedure in Committees
- Hearings
- Amendments by the Committee
- Discharge of the Committee
- Committee Reports
- Approval of Report
- Presentation of Report
- Consideration of Report
- Adoption of Report
- Rules of Order and Standing Rules
X. Resolutions
XI. Debate; Voting; Nominations and Elections
XII. How to Manage and Control the Stockholder’s Meeting
XIII. Parliamentary drill (practice meeting)
This training is also available as "Simplified Parliamentary Guide for Sanggunian & Other Legislative Bodies".
You may also avail of this as an in-house training exclusively for your group.
The lectures and discussions may not necessarily follow the sequence presented in the above course outlines. The use of examples are intended to incorporate several principles together to effectively impart knowledge to the audience.
Contact Person: Glaisie Falculan
Mobile Number (+63 949) 870-1832
Telefax: (+632) 8842-7148 or 59