Republic Act 6713, Code of Conduct, Ethical Standards, Prohibited Acts, Government Employees, Public Officials, Incentives, Rewards, Philippines, Legal Compliance, Anti-Corruption, Public Service Integrity

Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees

Training investment is inclusive of an e-certificate and a printed learning material

P 2,980.00 / person - when you register and pay on or before September 18

P 3,980.00 / person - Regular Rate

Add ₱450 for a printed copy of a certificate of completion inclusive of delivery charge

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2024 * 1:30 PM TO 4:45 PM VIA ZOOM

All Public Officials (elected or appointed) and all government employees (permanent, regular, holdover, casual or temporary) are covered by the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards under Republic Act 6713.

As a covered person, it is your business to know all the prohibited acts, transactions and penalties to avoid losing your job, tarnishing your reputation and getting into trouble. The law and its implementing rules and regulations also enumerates the incentives and rewards for exemplary service.

All citizens must know this Philippine law to prevent and fight abuse of public officials and government employees. Your knowledge is your weapon to be treated properly by all government officials and employees under this law.

Enroll and let the expert authority explain this to all of you!


Atty. Alma Flores Foronda

She is the incumbent Director of the Office for Legal Affairs, Civil Service Commission (CSC).  Prior to her present position, she was the Assistant Regional Director of the Civil Service Commission National Capital Region (CSC NCR).  She was involved in the crafting of the 2017 Rules on Administrative Cases in the Civil Service and is an active resource person on administrative discipline, Republic Act No. 6713, 2017 Omnibus Rules on Appointments and other Human Resource Action, and CSC Anti-Sexual Harassment Rules, among others.

Atty. Foronda graduated from the University of the Philippines College of Law in 1991 and has a master’s degree specializing in policy studies from the UP National College for Public Administration and Governance.

Who Should Attend?

    Covered Persons who must  attend such training: 

    • All Public Officials
    • All Government Employees including permanent, regular, holdover, casual or temporary


    The training is also highly recommended for: 

    • Private Entities who deal with government
    • Lawyers who need to defend their clients

I.    RA 6713

      - Sec. 3 Definition of Terms
      - Sec. 4 Norms of Conduct
      - Sec. 5 Duties of Public Officials and Employees
      - Sec. 7 Prohibited Acts and Transactions
      - Sec. 8 Statements and Disclosure
      - Sec. 9 Divestment
      - Sec. 10 Review and Compliance Procedure
      - Sec. 11 Penalties

II.  Transparency

III. Incentives and Rewards System

IV.  8 Norms of Conduct
      - Commitment to Public Interest
      - Professionalism
      - Justness and Sincerity
      - Political Neutrality
      - Responsiveness to the Public
      - Nationalism and Patriotism
      - Commitment to Democracy
      - Simple living
V.   Duties of Public Officials and Employees

      - Case of Muyco vs Saratan

VI.  Distinction between Graft and Corruption

      - Prohibited Acts and Transactions under RA 6713
      - Financial and material interest
      - Outside employment and other activities related thereto
      - Disclosure and/ or misuse of confidential information
      - Solicitation and/ or acceptance of gifts
      - Disclosure of assets and liabilities
      - Divestment

VII. Penalties

Everyone in government is required to know this law especially those in the:

- National Government Agencies
- Local Government Units
- Local Economic Enterprises created by LGUs
- Autonomous Regional Government (BARMM, etc.)
- State Universities & Colleges
- Local Universities & Colleges
- Government Hospitals
- Government Instrumentalities
- Water Utility Companies

Note:  Those in government who have attended such training previously “must undergo continuing refresher courses and seminars and/ or workshops to promote a high standard of ethics in public service” as stated in Rule 3 of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA 6713.

Those from the government are exempted from the P2,800.00 per day limit set by COA for attending training provided by the private sector based on the NEW Department of Budget and Management Circular No. 596 dated January 20, 2025.

Attending this training is not covered by the newly-enacted Procurement Law (R.A. 12009) based on its IRR’s Section 4.4-b, which classifies training continuing education, conferences and similar activities as "non-procurement activities that shall be governed by applicable COA, CSC, and DBM rules".
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Contact Details
For clarification or request for an invitation letter, you may reach out to:

Contact Person: Glaisie Falculan
Mobile Number (+63 949) 870-1832
Telefax: (+632) 8842-7148 or 59
Email: glaisie.cgbp@yahoo.com

Account Name: Center for Global Best Practices Foundation, Inc.

Metrobank: 495-3-495-504-418
Unionbank: 0013-3002-7702
PNB: 1477-7000-0961
Landbank: 3832-1015-82


Unit 905 Richville Corporate Tower
1107 Alabang-Zapote Road
Madrigal Business Park
Muntinlupa City 1780, Philippines

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(+63 2) 8556-8968 (+63 2) 8556-8969 (+63 2) 8842-7148 (+63 2) 8425-9752 (+63 2) 8842-7159 cgbp.info@gmail.com

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