In the age of digital media, scandals, controversies and rumors travel really fast. Your great brand and good reputation are on the line. How do you take control of bad news or fake news when you are suddenly hit by negative publicity?
This training on strategic issues management and crisis communication program will provide you the best practices on how to prevent, contain and solve misinformation, disinformation, and bad news from spreading in the media. Don’t be a victim! When you are a target of bad publicity, learn how to fight back with the weapons and tools we will teach you effectively.
This crisis readiness program is to guide you and your organization on what to do before, during and after a crisis or a disaster happens by providing you many examples, lessons and narratives on successful issues management campaigns.
He is the chairman and president of Creative Point International, Inc., Philippine affiliate of global PR and advocacy firm Hill & Knowlton, and consultant at International Finance Corporation.
His clients enjoy the protective shield of the media. He has won many awards as expert practitioner and subject matter expert on PR, crisis preparedness and crisis communications, brand building and reputation management.
He has a track record of successfully handling controversies faced by international and local companies as well as government institutions, politically exposed persons and VIPs. He provides training to various local and international organizations.
During his stint in government, he served as Undersecretary of Transportation and Communication and eventually as adviser to the Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs. He is academically trained in both the finest in Master’s in Management from the Asian Institute of Management and a doctorate in Communication from the University of the Philippines, Diliman.
Business Owners
Board Directors
Senior & Top Management
PR and Media Practitioners
Business Consultants
Government Officials
Everyone who wants to learn this highly specialized topic
I. Alert Levels in Times of Conflict or Controversy
A. Conflict & Controversy
B. Alert Levels
a. Level 1: Potential Crisis
b. Level 2: Emergent Crisis
c. Level 3: Imminent Crisis
d. Level 4: Full-Blown Crisis
C. Crisis Management
II. Crisis Communication
A. Crisis
B. Crisis Management and Communications
C. 4Cs
D. Crisis Path
III. Issues Management and Advocacy
A. Issue
B. Issues and Corporate Brand
C. Issues Management
D. Advocacy Element of Issues Handling
E. 8 Steps of Issues Management
F. Issues Management and Advocacy
Contact Person: Glaisie Falculan
Mobile Number (+63 949) 870-1832
Telefax: (+632) 8842-7148 or 59