Before outsourcing any function of your business—whether it’s janitorial, security, HR, IT, accounting, sales, logistics, manufacturing, construction, property management, merchandising, PR, advertising, design, etc.—make sure you fully understand the legal framework for contracting and subcontracting. Failure to do so could result in costly labor claims and disputes that can accumulate over the years and drain your company millions in back wages money claims and legal expenses.

In this three-hour webinar, you will learn the laws, regulations, recent Supreme Court decisions, and best practices to protect your businesses from potential legal liabilities and financial losses. This training will feature seasoned labor law expert, Atty. Emerico de Guzman, who was the managing partner of ACCRALAW -- the largest law firm in the Philippines.

This program is SEC-accredited.

For immediate feedback, feel free to contact us in the numbers indicated below

Contact Details

(+63 2) 8556-8968/69 (+63 2) 8842-7148 (+63 2) 8425-9752 (+63 2) 8842-7159

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