Public-Private Partnership, Government Collaboration, PPP Law, PPP Projects, PPP Requirements, Contractual Provisions, NEDA Approval, Unsolicited Proposals, Government Undertakings, Securities and Exchange Commission

The New PPP Code & IRR

Training investment is inclusive of Meals, Resource Kit & Certificate of Completion

P 5,980.00 / person - when you register and pay on or before July 28

P 6,980.00 / person - Regular Rate

Add ₱500 for MCLE Activity Fee for LAWYERS
who want to earn MCLE credit units from this training.

CGBP is an MCLE-accredited training provider. Those lawyers who expressed their intent to earn MCLE credit units, please send the following MCLE required documents:

1) Roll number

2) IBP ID/ 2 government IDs
3) Selfie/ photo while holding the ID  

THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 2025 * 1:00PM TO 5:00PM

On December 5, President Ferdinand Marcos, Jr. finally signed into law the "Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Act of the Philippines" or RA 11966.

This new code changes the legal landscape where the private sector can collaborate with government for infrastructure and development projects. This integrates various PPP schemes at the national and local government levels; streamlines requirements, procedures and regulatory approvals for all PPP projects; clarifies ambiguities in the existing BOT Law; and improves ease of doing business for PPPs.

In this half-day training session, we will walk you through these provisions and give you a clearer view of the new opportunities and challenges the law brings.

In addition, we will answer your questions including: What are the PPP schemes? Must all PPP projects--national and local--be approved by NEDA? Are unsolicited proposals still allowed? What are the forms of allowable government undertakings, contribution and support for PPP projects? Are contract variations allowed? What is the role of the PPP Center?

Learn, unlearn and relearn PPPs under the new act. Register now!


Atty. Alberto C. Agra

He is a PPP Law Professor, a Certified PPP SpecialistTM and Certified Regulation SpecialistTM, a PPP Law-for-All Advocate and Author, an athlete and sports official.

He has conducted more than 400 lectures on PPPs since 2011 and has developed 62 infographics and 34 frameworks on PPPs.

His previous government positions include:

- Acting Secretary of Justice
- Acting Solicitor General
- Government Corporate Counsel
- Chairman of the Philippine Reclamation Authority

He is a political law bar reviewer and professor of laws at the Ateneo de Manila Law School since 1993 on administrative law, law on local governments, election law, law on public officers and PPP law. He also teaches in University of the Philippines, Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila, and the Lyceum of the Philippines College of Law.

He hosted a legal education television show entitled, Batas et AL. He will soon launch a lecture series on the 2025 Elections.

Who Should Attend?

    NGAs, LGUs, GOCCs, GIs, GFIs, SUCs, LUCs, Local Economic Enterprises

    Private Sector Proponents, Business Owners


    Law and Consultancy Firms

    NGOs and Foundations

    Members of the Academe

    Funding and Donor Agencies

    Anyone interested in the topic


The 7 Ps under the PPP Code and IRR

1. PPP Policies

2. PPP Parties
3. PPP Projects
4. PPP Partnership Schemes
5. PPP Permissions/ Approvals
6. PPP Procedures
7. PPP Pact and Provisions

In this 4-hour learning exercise, we will answer these 10 questions:

1. What is the meaning of a PPP?

2. What are the PPP arrangements covered and excluded from the PPP Code?
3. What are the elements and features of PPP projects?
4. Are purely commercial PPP arrangements/ projects allowed?
5. How does government determine if a Private Proponent is eligible?
6. Must the NEDA approve all PPP projects?
7. Can the PPP Center say that an Unsolicited Proposal is complete and correct?
8. Is it still right to match for Original Proponents?
9. Are Government Undertakings allowed for all Projects?
10. When are PPP contracts void?


Those from the government are exempted from the P2,800.00 per day limit set by COA for attending training provided by the private sector based on the NEW Department of Budget and Management Circular No. 596 dated January 20, 2025.

Attending this training is not covered by the newly-enacted Procurement Law (R.A. 12009) based on its IRR’s Section 4.4-b, which classifies training continuing education, conferences and similar activities as "non-procurement activities that shall be governed by applicable COA, CSC, and DBM rules".
Center for Global Best Practices (CGBP) is accredited by the following institutions
Contact Details
For clarification or request for an invitation letter, you may reach out to:

Contact Person: Aiza Cuenca
Mobile Number (+63 998) 510-3748
Telefax: (+632) 8842-7148 or 59

Account Name: Center for Global Best Practices Foundation, Inc.

Metrobank: 495-3-495-504-418
Unionbank: 0013-3002-7702
PNB: 1477-7000-0961
Landbank: 3832-1015-82


Unit 905 Richville Corporate Tower
1107 Alabang-Zapote Road
Madrigal Business Park
Muntinlupa City 1780, Philippines

Contact Us

(+63 2) 8556-8968 (+63 2) 8556-8969 (+63 2) 8842-7148 (+63 2) 8425-9752 (+63 2) 8842-7159

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